On 22 Apr 2006, at 00:14, Curtis L. Olson wrote:

Arthur emailed me that he would try to get a v0.9.10 build out the door, but I don't have any current status or ETA.  I think the lesson here is that we really could use a more active and larger Mac developer contribution to the FlightGear project.  I'm not sure why there hasn't been very many Mac developers  latching on to our project?  Maybe there just aren't that many mac developers out there relative to other platforms?  

It certainly feels like that - saying 'I use a Mac' around any open-source project is a sure-fire way to increase one's workload. There are a couple of FG specific things that affect the Mac - one, the performance is only just about adequate on a three-year-old Mac (whereas the equivalent windows or linux box runs FG fine, I'm pretty sure), and the lack of a proper, integrated GUI hurts Mac take up even more (Mac users regard command lines as an affront to their dignity)

This, of course, is why I'm doing the work to get the XML GUI working at startup. I also have some patches to make FG search in more traditional locations for add-on scenery and user preferences ($HOME/Library/Application Support/FlightGear); I just keep forgetting to to clean them up and submit them.


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