Thank you for giving me time. I think Its my fault that I count not make it clear. I made a video game like flight simulator with all graphics using Directx. But there are some limitatins such as terrain is very heavy and I load all at once, not all flight controlls and dynamics are simulated only few features are implemented as in F-16 Aggressor, most emphasize was on visuals.
Then I came to know about Flightgear which give very fine flight dynamics but I ve no idear about the structure of it and TerraGear and how to use these things to build an new simulator like game with full graphics. I can send you my project but it is about 12 MB if you ve space let me know.
Thanking you all.

Erik Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
m umair wrote:
> Hi
> I am a computer science student an interesting in flight simulations and
> my final proj of BSC is Simulation of F-16 It is basic prototype of
> Flight simulator game. Now I want to enhance my simulator using
> flightgear. I would be thank full to you if you would let me know about
> the archtecture of Flightgear and some tutorials about flight simulation

So if I understand you correctly you already have a program that
calculates the Flight Dynamics of the F-16 but you want to use
FlightGear only for the visual?

In that case you would be best off using the net_ctrls and net_fdm
protocols as defined in FlightGear/src/Network/net_*.hxx
The file should be rather self explaining but there is also an example
script located in FlightGear/examples/netfdm


http://www.ehtw.info (Dutch) Future of Enschede Airport Twente
http://www.ehofman.com/fgfs FlightGear Flight Simulator

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