On Fri, 26 May 2006 13:57:30 -0400
simon wrote:
> Good thoughts - I agree one wiki will do, I'm just trying to make the 
> case for a better wiki than the current one. 
> Judging from the lack of response, I'm guessing there aren't many
> strong (any at all) opinions on the matter and this idea may just fall
> through the cracks.

Another possibility is that it's a holiday weekend in the U.S., that
people are busy, etc.  It's often the case that it takes active
contributors more than just a couple of days to respond to something.

> Does anyone see advantages to the current seedwiki site that I'm 
> overlooking? 

I see no advantages per se to Seedwiki -- I think its editing
interface is pretty awful, and my attempts to speak with the
people who run it over issues I've found there haven't been very

That said, if the project simply declares "the wiki is now
somewhere else, at _______," that seems pretty hard on the people
that *have* been taking the time to make the contributions.
Giving them a chance to speak their mind might not be a bad idea.
It might also be worth getting their input on moving the stuff
over.  (I've just noticed this thread, and it appears some of
my stuff got mucked up in the move).


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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