
After lots of exams, and almost infinite tasks at university, and before some more to come, I'd like to ask for a few things I'd like to do in the quiet sunny summer days.

I'd like to mix FlightGear with Matlab through the aerospace toolbox.
Weeks ago I asked for the 0.9.8a versions, which was kindly linked so I could download, but I could work on it, and I have some questions.

So, Question #1: To practice with the helicopter, what key do I have to press to activate the engine? I've tried anything I found on the help without success.
Question #2: How can I setup the joystick? I'd like to exchange some of the axis function.
Question #3: Does anybody have a 3D model for a R/C-like helicopter? Something like a 1 meter thing.
Question #4: Has anybody tried the Matlab-FlightGear connection without perishing on the try? If so, is there any documentation?

Your 'question #1' might be: Is that fool a newbee?
My answer: absolutely.

Thanks for your help. Any advice will be gratefully accepted.

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