Since yesterday the SGPropertyNode methods getAttribute() and
setAttribute() are available in the Nasal props.Node class.
Nasal doesn't have bool variables, so <bool> means just values
1 and 0 in the following examples:


  <bool> prop.getAttribute(<attribute:string>)

  where <attribute:string> is one of "READ", "WRITE", "ARCHIVE",
  returns the state as 0 (unset) or 1 (set), or nil in case of error
  (because an invalid <attribute> was used).

   var foo = props.globals.getNode("foo", 1);
   if (foo.getAttribute("USERARCHIVE")) {
      print("Node " ~ foo.getPath() ~ " gets written to autosave.xml");


  <bool> props.setAttribute(<attribute:string>, <state:bool>)

  where <attribute:string> is one of "READ", "WRITE", "ARCHIVE",
  "TRACE_READ", "TRACE_WRITE", "USERARCHIVE". The function sets
  the respective attribute and returns the old value (like
  getAttribute()), or nil on error.

   var foo = props.globals.getNode("foo", 1);
   foo.setAttribute("TRACE_READ", 1);   # turn on tracing for one minute
   settimer(func { foo.setAttribute("TRACE_READ", 0) }, 60);


The property attributes are also shown in the property browser after
one has Ctrl-clicked on a "." entry. Here's again what they mean:

attribute     browser-flag     meaning
READ          r (if unset)     usually set; makes property readable
WRITE         w (if unset)     usually set; makes property writable

TRACE_READ    R                reports every read/write access with
TRACE_WRITE   W                --log-level=info. Example log line:
                               TRACE: Read node /foo[0], value "0"

ARCHIVE       A                property is saved with "File"->"Save"
USERARCHIVE   U                property is autosaved on exit to
                               %APPDATA%\\autosave.xml or

TIED          T                property value can also be read/written
                               to directly from C++ code (not only via
                               SGPropertyNode methods), in which case
                               listeners aren't triggered


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