syd&sandy wrote:

> Concerning Terragear , I suspect its a dependancy error , I get:
> "coverage,hxx:54: error: extra qualification 'VpfCoverage::' on member 
> 'VpfCoverage'"

You don't have to use VPF coverage anymore. TerraGear in the current
state as in CVS, and I _guess_ this counts for the latest release as
well, can read the coverage from shapefiles. Shapefile covering the
whole globe is available here:

....  as mentioned at:

on the Landcover-DB pages.
If you don't want to download the complete packages then I'd provide a
smaller package to you of limited size - you just have to give me
lat/lon of the corners of the desired area ....  I remember Ralf
Gerlich already mentioned that procedure on this list just few days

> As far as the custom scenery page , I saw  a notice that the current 
> scenery couldnt be used in Flightgear so downloads were suspended for 
> now .... or something to that effect .....

Well, these comments belong to a certain context - you should read that
one as well,

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