Hello to the makers of the c130!

I really enjoy the flight with this plane, especially the <110kts landings :-)

I noticed, that the sim model is not in sync with the 3d model, so I changed Models/c130.xml to

  <x-m>  17.0 </x-m> (was 0)
  <y-m>  0.0 </y-m>
  <z-m> -2.8 </z-m>

of course the views have to be adjusted (see attached set file).

Maybe some finetuning is needed, keep up the work.

fly on,

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- Lockheed C130 Hercules. -->









    <serviceable type="bool">true</serviceable>
  <virtual-cockpit archive="y">true</virtual-cockpit>
  <allow-toggle-cockpit archive="y">true</allow-toggle-cockpit>
    <internal archive="y">true</internal>
      <!-- X/Y/Z == right/up/back -->
      <x-offset-m archive="y">  -0.598 </x-offset-m>
      <y-offset-m archive="y">   0.205 </y-offset-m> <!-- 3.005 - 2.8 -->
      <z-offset-m archive="y"> 6.533 </z-offset-m><!-- -changed- -->
      <pitch-offset-deg> 0.0 </pitch-offset-deg>
      <default-field-of-view-deg type="double"> 60.0 </default-field-of-view-deg>
  <!-- Shift the camera target point back -changed=inserted view 1-3- -->
  <view n="1">
		  <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">16.0</target-z-offset-m>
  <view n="2">
		  <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">16.0</target-z-offset-m>
  <view n="3">
		  <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">16.0</target-z-offset-m>
  <chase-distance-m type="double" archive="y">-45.00</chase-distance-m>
      <desc>Open/Close backdoor</desc>
      <desc>Open/Close crew door</desc>
      <desc>Start engine smoke</desc>
      <desc>Stop engine smoke</desc>

<!-- engines on, low pitch (parking) -->
   <engine n="0">
    <magnetos archive="y">3</magnetos>
   <engine n="1">
    <magnetos archive="y">3</magnetos>
   <engine n="2">
    <magnetos archive="y">3</magnetos>
   <engine n="3">
    <magnetos archive="y">3</magnetos>
  <smoke type="bool">true</smoke>
  <signal type="bool">true</signal>
  <paratroopers type="bool">true</paratroopers>
  <jump-signal type="bool">false</jump-signal>
  <negGtime type="int">0</negGtime>
    <reset type="int">1</reset>
    <elevator-trim type="double">0.1</elevator-trim>

<!-- above 700 RPM avoids the stop --> 
  <engine n="0">
   <rpm archive="y">100</rpm>
  <engine n="1">
   <rpm archive="y">100</rpm>
  <engine n="2">
   <rpm archive="y">100</rpm>
  <engine n="3">
   <rpm archive="y">100</rpm>
     <trigger type="bool">false</trigger>

<!-- autopilot -->

     <tank n="9">
       <level-gal_us archive="y">200</level-gal_us>

   <keyboard include="Nasal/c130-keyboard.xml">



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