Simulador wrote:

>Hi Stewart,
>I am sorry for the delay, I posted this email 2 weeks ago and I thought 
>I had answered you.
>I am working on a Full Flight Simulator that was manufactured in 1976, 
>it is a Boeing 707-341.
>The HOST computer was a R2000, it was a 24 bit machine with 64 K words 
>of memory. We did replace the R2000 computer for a LINUX based PC with a 
>The Visual System is a NOVOVEW 2500, it was developed by Evans and 
>Sutherland, and the computer is a Texas Instrument TI980 computer ( 16 
>bit x 16 K words).
>I was testing  FLIGHT GEAR as a VISUAL SYSTEM replacement for this 
>simulator, but I should have control over the exterior AIRCRAFT LIGHTS.
>Is there any plans to develop this functionality to Flight Gear on a 
>short term?
>Please take a look at
>Stewart Andreason wrote:
I can not talk for the others but I won't work on that for the plib 
version (ie on a short term).
The osg implementation is done in a few hours with multutexturing with a 
cube map and a two pass rendering.
And then a preliminary work is to spatialize the scene graph so that the 
second render pass is only done
around the spot light to minimize the hit on fps.


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