* Vivian Meazza -- Thursday 10 May 2007:
> I discussed the improved radar with Melchior, he is very reluctant
> to include it because it is plib only.

Yes, I said that I wouldn't like to commit plib-only features. It's
ok to have new features in fg/osg that aren't backported to fg/plib,
but the other way around is not acceptable.

But if, as you say, the patch works in theory for both branches, and
the only reason why it wouldn't work in fg/osg at the moment is,
because one feature is currently not working there (but eventually
will), then I see no problem. There's just one thing: Mathias should
review the code and decide if it fits in the framework that he's

What we don't want is people moaning about a list of regressions
in the first fg/osg release, or loading yet more work on Mathias,
or dumping stuff into fg/osg that only gets in the way ATM. It's,
of course, not ok to add some new, semi-broken feature and to
expect Mathias or Tim to make it work in fg/osg. (We'll do that
later all the time, but not now! :-)


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