Since today there's a function  systime()  available. It returns 
the Unix Epoch time in seconds. Even if that doesn't tell you much,
it's very useful for benchmarking:

  var start = systime();
  var end = systime();

  print("took ", end - start, " seconds");

The function has microseconds precision, so it's even useful for
single function calls. But you can always let the code be run in
a loop for better results. In debug.nas there's a simple wrapper
that would do the same in one line:

  debug.benchmark("test", how_fast_am_I, 123);


  debug.benchmark("test", func {

The second change today is a new props.Node method getValues().
It returns a subtree's values in a hash, just like the setValues()
method expects its input. This can be used to suck in a group of
parameters. Of course, it only makes sense if all or almost all
parameters are needed, and not to retrieve single values as in
the example:

  var view = props.Node.getNode("/sim/current-view");
  var val = view.getValues();

And yes, you can load the whole property tree into a variable:  :-)

  var v = props.globals.getValues();


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