--- Curtis Olson wrote:
> FlightGear-0.9.11-pre1 is now available for download and testing.  I
> have
> finished updating the FlightGear and SimGear web pages and ftp sites
> with
> the appropriate links to download the source code.  This release is
> still
> based entirely on plib and does not have any dependency on OSG.

Could I make a slighly impolite request?

Thanks to Olaf's work I have a working OSG build system for windows, but
not plib, despite much work. I've heard that the flash2a model doesn't
work on plib, but I've been unable to fix this as I don't have a plib

Could some kind soul create a windows plib binary for me please, or
alternatively take a look at the problem on my behalf?

Otherwise, I think it will have to be pulled from the release, which would
be a shame.



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