On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 19:33 -0500, Curtis Olson wrote:
> On 6/15/07, Jonathan Wagner wrote:
>         Just a thought for the rest of the list.  Now that
>         OpenSceneGraph-2.0
>         has been released, what are the thoughts on setting that as a
>         "fixed"
>         dependency for now (i.e., future development should work on
>         OpenSceneGraph-2.0 ).  With one of the latest patches to the
>         plib branch
>         in CVS, FlightGear still compiles with plib-1.8.4 which is
>         included in
>         many Linux distributions.  I have a feeling that OSG 2 will
>         soon be the
>         version of OSG available in many Linux distributions.  Having
>         OSG 
>         support just _work_ would allow developers to focus on
>         FlightGear
>         without also having to keep up with the latest daily
>         developments in OSG.
> I think this is an excellent suggestions, and to do otherwise will be
> to invite a *lot* of support headaches on ourselves when we finally do
> a release based on OSG.  If the average user has OSG-2.0 (or the most
> recent release at the time) and we depend on features in CVS, we will
> make it very difficult for non-developers to get flightgear up and
> running on their systems.
> Our approach with plib is that if we absolutely must depend on
> something in cvs, we push the plib folks hard to get that into an
> official release first, then we cut over and allow our code to depend
> on it.  This is not without headaches, but it's worked pretty well for
> us in the past. 
> Regards,
> Curt.

I must agree.  I haven't had a working flightgear for about a month
because OSG-SVN/head quit building for me.  


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