This is the last time I write on this list, because I have to ask someone to 
translate my thoughts for you.

But I can't keep silent when some people tell anything about me, hoping that I 
could not answer.

Contrary to what Mr Robin's tried to explain you, I have never asked for any 
rewards about paternity of particles effects. Neither on the French forum, nor 
anywhere else.

That's true that I have talked about adding particles effects via xml files, 
the 10th of June, but this is not the point. The point is that the technic 
used on the Catalina is a simple reuse of the technic used on the Pa100, or 
with the Detlef FERBER's clouds. I think it is normal that noone can take this 
for himself under copyright. If someone use it, the most could be greetings, 
or some words about previous works, the less should be a simple mention to GPL 
licence located in the root of fgdata.

I have never asked, and I never will, my name being written somewhere. I really 
don't care about. I only hope that the GPL principles, more specifically the 
principle of inherit, are respected, as all the work made by all of you.

Taking the right to write a nominative copyright in the xml files, these files 
only reusing that have been already done, is clearly against open-source mind.
By putting a copyright above a copyleft, Mr Robin avoid you, or would avoid you 
to reuse his work, wich is already a reuse of other's work. This last one have
been released under GPL to let everyone the opportunity to use it.

Mr Robin explains here that I insult him on the French forum, but doesn't say a 
word about his long, aggressive, full of hate posts on this forum have been 
deleted by himself for anyone couldn't read them anymore. It is really easy to 
cheat and lie when you know that I couldn't answer easily because of my 

He told you his version, I told you mine. Look who we are, what we've done, how 
we do that and why. I'm convinced you'll find that I don't write this for glory 
or whatever.

If this guy really want to be the master of something, I can advise him to join 
MSFS, where the "free circulation of informations" is not a priority  ;) 

Best regards


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