Heiko Schulz ha scritto:
> OSG is a ASCII Native Format- so you can easily edit
> with your favourite texteditor. 

That's good. Helps when tweaking is needed.

> You can export it to Blender:
> http://projects.blender.org/projects/osgexport/
> But it needs a little bit "post process" work after
> converting like setting the ambientColor

Partially good, I don't feel confortable with Blender, I use it only if 
necessary. I'd prefer having some other kind of exporter/importer.

> The animation (moving) are also working in FGFS-OSG. 

That's very good to know, but I really have problems in finding usable 
informations about that. I also fear the user interface to those 
animations is pretty primitive, what's your experience with that?

> here you will find a example by me:
> www.hoerbird.net/osg-reflect-effect-example.tar.gz
> It shows the A380 partly converted to .osg with a fake
> reflection effect. I should give you hints about using
> this fileformat.

OSG new shading schemes potentials seem very interesting to me, I'm 
mostly interested in bump mapping, transparency and texture animation; 
currently FGFS does a very bad job with multiple transparent surfaces 
and ac3d offers no bump-map at all. Can you tell me something about the 
bump mapping in OSG/FGFS, does it work?


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