On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 21:36:35 -0500
"David Megginson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is a good discussion that we've started.  Way back when, we
> didn't have menus (or scripting), so every function had to be
> accessible from the keyboard (and all the assignments were hard-coded
> in C++ to boot).
> I think that we need to take a few steps:
> 1. Come up with a prioritized list of functions that should have
> global keyboard assignments (e.g. switch view, lower flaps, raise
> gear, etc.).
> 2. Decide on a block of keys to be set aside for per-aircraft key assignment.
> 3. Agree on a useful set of core bindings for the remainder, which no
> model should touch.  This will be not be easy, but it will be very
> beneficial.  There should be some logic to it, e.g. function keys used
> for one kind of thing, alphabetic for another, etc.  As people have
> noted, a lot of stuff currently assigned to keys should move to menus
> and dialogs.
> 4. Provide a GUI for a user to change keyboard assignments while the
> sim is running and to save the changes.  The user's local changes
> should override everything else, including per-model assignments. (If
> we're really sophisticated, we could let the user make his/her own
> per-model assignments.)
> Anyone game to start?  Does someone already have a first draft of a
> prioritized function list?
> All the best,
> David

Well just to get the ball rolling , and thinking out loud ... 
the keyboard 1 - 0 could go to cockpit switches , battery , lights, etc , since 
not all aircraft have hotspots yet .... and if it's do-able (will it interfere 
with the keypad trim keys ?)
Autopilot already has a dialogue , could be updated ... I can never remember 
the keys for that anyway ...  
just some ideas beginning in my head :) .... 
Im willing to do what I can if we can all come to an acceptable solution...
Ive started on a keyboard image with key layout for myself ... maybe could be 
included down the road if things turn out...


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