Now that HEAD is for fg/osg only, some aircraft and other stuff
will soon start to work badly or not at all with v1.0 and fg/plib.
No problem for exclusive fg/osg users, but some people still like
volumetric shadows and 3D clouds and will therefore also use
fg/plib for a while. (Helicopters in outside view without shadows
are very hard to handle.) There are different ways to deal with
this problem:

(a) If it's only a few aircraft that you run in fg/plib only,
    just switch those aircraft (or other files) to the PLIB branch:

    $ cd $FG_ROOT/Aircraft/bo105
    $ cvs up -rPLIB

    This works for single files as well.     $ cvs up -rPLIB foo.xml
    you can at any time switch back to HEAD: $ cvs up -A

(b) Keep full data for both branches (if you have a lot of free
    disk space):

    $ cp -a Data.OSG Data.PLIB
    $ cvs up -rPLIB Data.PLIB

(c) Create a shadow PLIB data dir, where all files & dirs are
    only links to their HEAD counterparts, except for those where
    you want a plib version. Do something like this (untested):

    $ mkdir Data.PLIB
    $ cd Data.PLIB
    $ ln -s ../Data.OSG/* .
    $ rm Aircraft                # remove dir link
    $ mkdir Aircraft             # and make it a real dir
    $ cd Aircraft
    $ ln -s ../../Data.OSG/Aircraft/* .
    $ rm bo105
    $ cp -a ../../Data.OSG/Aircraft/bo105 .
    $ cvs up -rPLIB bo105

    Now you can run   $ fgfs.osg  --fg-root=foo/Data.OSG     and
                      $ fgfs.plib --fg-root=foo/Data.PLIB
    while saving lots of disk space.

I use (c).  :-)


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