
Anders Gidenstam wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Mar 2008, Holger Wirtz wrote:
>> Anders,
>> thanks for your answer. But this seems also not to work:
>> --- cut here ---
>> $ fgfs
>> Error: Not able to create requested visual.
>> Segmentation fault
>> $
>> --- cut here ---
> What does gl-info say? Does other OpenGL applications work?
> Maybe also try different --bpp and --geometry settings to fgfs.
> And have a look on the output of xdpyinfo to see if it looks strange.
> I've used fgfs and TwinView in different configurations on my box, but it 
> was some time ago (and possibly before FGFS/OSG).

Ok, I got it! The option "--enable-clouds3d" was the problem...

Thanks for your help! Great - now I have a real good view on a 2960x1050 
display. I just have to exchange to "old" TFT with the second new wide 
screen in the corner... :-)

Regards, Holger

> Cheers,
> Anders
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