* Durk Talsma -- Friday 02 May 2008:
> You make it seem as if I deliberately refused to comply with a
> standard. However, that has never been an issue, because the
> groundnet parser predates most of the more advanced UFO based
> editing facilities. 

No, I didn't make it seem like you intentionally broke *eventual*
advanced live-editing of AI/TM data in an UFO editor. I just used
the occasion to, once again, point out that AI/TM don't use the
generic XML reader, but have their own, and that this ignoring
of fgfs-standards and consistency has more disadvantages than
just additional bugs (also due to much less testing). It prevents
later, originally unplanned interaction with other parts of 
fgfs, while not having any noteworthy advantages. The AI/TM
parts are IMHO a bit alien to the rest of fgfs. (Also because
of FSF ... my pet complaint. ;-)

> Just like FDMs, which also have their own parser, [...]

Yes, similar. But there it doesn't hurt, as there isn't much
that we would like to visually live-edit, unlike taxiing routes
and partking slots, which obviously refer to our terrain,
and displaying terrain is one of the major *visual* jobs of
fgfs. And the main FDM's are standalone applications, after all.

> Then, you found out the format of the xml file was 
> not to your liking. 

No, I found out earlier, but didn't complain. I can't really
remember when it was committed. Must have been on holiday
or something.

> Admittedly, being able to use the UFO for ground network using
> the UFO has some limited appeal, but is this really something that
> we seriously want to persue?

No. The thread was about alleged XML parser bugs. And I pointed
out that AI/TM does its own stuff, unlike the rest of fgfs
(minus the FDMs), and that these non-standard ways does also
bring us other surprises.

> Therefore, I feel justified in defending it, [...]

Sure. I would do it myself. I'm aware that you are annoyed by
my criticism, and I would be just as well. But then again, I'm
annoyed whenever I see inconsistencies. I fix some if I can,
I work around other. I spent hours to write a Nasal-based
XML reader, mainly for your files. I spend hours for writing
the parsexml() Nasal function. I would have to spend again some
time to write your file format. So I reserve the right to be
annoyed.  :-P

> I therefore assume that your comments strictly reflect your 
> personal views, and not an official flightgear policy.

Correct. Mostly my views. I'm not a policy maker, I just describe
some policies that were made (but never written down) in times
when Erik/David/Jim were around years ago, and there was a consensus
about some of them. Most of it is common sense, though often it
turns out not to be that common after all. Some of my early patches
were rejected because I violated such policies.

> So if this is really an issue that lives among developers then
> it should be addressed very soon. However, if it turns out that
> the overhaul is mainly driven by your desire to get the UFO based
> network editing going than it's not going to happen until after
> I've tackled more pressing issues. 

Nope, there's no reason to change anything now or in the next
years. Things are as they are. I wouldn't have time for bigger
UFO extensions, and maybe nobody would want/use them, anyway.
Let's just keep consistency in mind, even if we don't see at
the moment why this might pay off later.

> Of course, there's a golden rule in open source land: If you 
> want something changed, you can always do it yourself. Please
> consider updating taxidraw as well, while you're at it. :-)

Sheesh ...

m.  ;-)

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