Dear all,
                I recently told Curt about a new partnership I have made with a 
Composer and media artist, who is willing to work in a none profit manner, Bith 
Curt and myself are optimistic and we both have hopes of Hollywood :o) well 
wishful thinking perhaps!

For web security I have thinned this letter down:

"Cheers Michelle,

Thanks for your in depth message.

I would be glad to give a cooperative non-profit/no money changing hands 
venture a try.

A track featured on the Shark site "Man Alone" was something similar in 
conjunction with the Singer/DJ xxx Robinson who contributed a vocal and edited 
the video at no cost.

I will give your movie clips a look but from the description I am sure your 
work will be of interest.

If you have read the blurb on the site I am sure you will have twigged that 
"Dave Dark and the Sharks is a ficticious pseudonym but it was too good a name 
to waste (I am good at thinking up band names).



It all started when I contacted a friend a few days ago, who knows someone else 
a professional musician, he in turn knows someone in Television and I am now 
keeping my fingers crossed that Richard is the next step in breaking out into a 
wider means of media coverage, I am not short of idea's I have tons of idea's 
for these movies, it is application and development which is uncertain, the 
most important thing now is a deeper concentration in quality for the main 
movie releases, and not quantity at this stage.

The good news is Richard is now writing a specialy composed theme tune for 
Oleg, I am not sure at this early stage if we are going to have lyrics but it 
is a very positive step and hope this will be a new positive turning point in 
the movie productions.

All the Best Michelle (Aerotro)

Richards Website is  

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