On October 24, 2008 12:38:46 pm Curtis Olson wrote:
> 1. Do we like the idea of a scavenger hunt type contest?  If so, what types
> of questions would we ask or what things would we ask people to find?  I
> assume we would keep this to the default scenery area.  And we should keep
> the questions/goals reasonably simple and easy and quick to discover.
If you want a scavenger hunt, then this is one idea.  Through an add-on 
package, the company's logos can be placed in a few places on the scenery, or 
on planes on area where you'd expect to see a logo.  The user can then be 
required to find all the logos, let say five.  The logos should be very easy 
to find, but one of them should be very well hidden.

The company should like this, since they will be advertised in game.  Now, the 
problem with this is that permission will have to be sought from the company 
to use the logo, and they will want to add a clause to the add-on package 
regarding the use of their logo, and it will mean this package won't be free 
(free as in freedom).  This is a legal aspect that will have to be worked 

I don't quite like the screenshot idea, since it will be a lot of work as you 
said, and might cause complains because beauty is subjective.  A scavenger 
hunt plus a draw is more systematic and fair.


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