
I have been wrestling with this for a few weeks now.  As some of you are 
aware, I am slowly preparing a new multi-head demo with around 8 GPUs in 
it (so up to 16 heads).

The new camera support is great, but there are some problems with the 
way the frustums work.

My understanding is that the fundamental controls are for a direction 
for the camera.  With large numbers of monitors this begins to fall 
apart.  The view frustums will overlap when you don't create an offset 
and begin to creat monitors in both the horizontal and vertical 
directions.  With offsets you will have to stack the views on top of 
each other and in theory get the bottom of one frustum to align with the 
other, but then you end up having visual issues since the cameras are 

So what I would like to be able to do is take the layout of the cameras, 
determine their angles to the camera, and define a frustum that has a 
non-orthogonal face.

The first camera code that Tim released seemed to do this (which meant 
there was some visual quirks for monitors far out to the sides (like 
verticals being at angles and so on), but for the person sitting in 
front of all the screens it looked about right.

Are there any other "magic" options that would allow me to get to that?  
(7+9 is my current plan).



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