> > No, the cost of blending is proportional to the area
> blended on the screen,
> > so a
> > few large sprites vs. many small sprites should cost
> about the same. It is
> > true
> > that it takes longer to sort a large number of
> sprites, but I'm not worried
> > about the sorting cost at this point.

Theory vs praxis ;-) I just tested it- no, more sprites = less fps 
>  I've got a patch for trees using VBOs, performance
> gains are impressive,
> allowing
> thight forests with "coverage/=10" (obj.cxx)
> (before hitting the win32 3G
> limit in around 80 tiles, lol).
>  My idea was to adapt that VBO patch to cloud rendering,
> using index
> buffers. The
> vertex-packs (v,n,tc) are static and the index buffers have
> to be
> recalculated
> every frame (as in the quicksort above). Ideally one may
> just calculate
> a static vertex-pack buffer for the whole cloud layer after
> it's generated
> and either just draw indexed on that one huge vbo per
> cloud, or even better,
> collect the indexes for each cloud, without drawing
> anything,
> and then in a posterior renderbin draw that whole-layer
> indexbuffer
> in a single rendercall (well, more than one glFunc, mapping
> the
> vbos takes some calls). If I arrive at some results
> I'll post a patch :) im
> doing
> more than one thing atm.

Sounds very promising! 


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