James Turner wrote:

> I could benefit from some advice on using git to track (various) local  
> changes I'm working on.
Here's my workflow for using git with the FlightGear sources in CVS. Note that 
there are separate repositories for Fightgear, Simgear and the Flightgear data. 
This is inconvenient and there may a workaround using git submodules, but I 
haven't explored that yet.

> Essentially I'd like:
>   - a branch that tracks CVS
I have three git repos that I use only to track CVS using git-cvsimport. You 
could use the mapserver.flightgear.org mirrors instead; I like to have control 
over my imports, refresh them when I need to, etc. I think you could also do 
mirroring in a "working" git repo directly, but keeping separate mirrors is 
confusing. The incremental update using git-cvsimport is time-consuming, 
especially for the data tree, so I can fire off the update and keep working in 
my regular git repo. Also, using two repos on a single machine doesn't use 
the disk space because git uses hard links to do the clone.

>   - a branch that is close to CVS, that I can test commits on before  
For Flightgear, Simgear and data I have one repo each where I do actual work. 
These were initially cloned from my CVS mirror repos. Whenever I update the 
mirrors I bring the updates into the working repos using "git-fetch origin". 
"master" branch in these repos contains work that I intend to check into CVS 
soon; they should track CVS, more-or-less. I use "git-rebase" to keep the 
branch + new work synched with the CVS mirrors.
> getting them into CVS 'somehow' (a patch against a CVS checkout, I  
> guess)
I keep a check-out of the CVS repositories, done using CVS of course. When I'm 
ready to check something into CVS I use git-cvsexportcommit, which does 
everything necessary to the CVS tree except the actual commit. After committing 
I update my mirrors, suck the changes into the working repos, and then 
"git-rebase". Poof, my master branch is synched with the current CVS state of 
the world.
>   - branches for chunks of stuff I'm working on
>   - a working head where I can combine from the various chunks-of-work- 
> branches, and play with the end result
These are just normal git topic branches. I periodically rebase mine against 
master branch.
> I assume that when I want to commit to CVS, I'd merge/generate-patches  
> from a 'work' branch, apply it to the 'close to CVS' branch, check  
> everything builds, and somehow get that into CVS.
See above.
> What I'm not clear on is what's the best master to use, and which of  
> the above steps are best done with a git merge, or by generating and  
> applying patches to a non-git tree, or what.
If we were already using git, then "master" would be the branch that you would 
push to share your commits with the rest of us; i.e., it would be your local 
version of the master sources. So that's the branch on which you do development 
you intend to share soon.

> Obviously I want to be able to rebase the work branches as CVS moves  
> forward, so presumably the should be branched 'from' the pure CVS  
> copy? And hence the pure CVS branch is in fact the master? (I'm  
> guessing wildly now)
You want to think of the pure CVS branch as remotes/origin/master.


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