On mardi 20 janvier 2009, gerard robin wrote:
> On samedi 17 janvier 2009, Martin Spott wrote:
> > Brian Schack wrote:
> > > There are several huge and very unnatural walls in the Himalayas, both
> > > running NS and EW.  I'll give the line of latitude or longitude that
> > > the wall runs along, and the end coordinates of the walls:
> >
> > The underlying SRTM elevation data is known to have many voids in the
> > Himalayan area and a reasonable explanation _might_ be that the void
> > filling in TerraGear doesn't provide too realistic results.
> > For your own experience, you'll find a copy of the respective elevation
> > raster here as a geo-referenced 1x1 degree TIFF image:
> >
> >
> > ftp://ftp.ihg.uni-duisburg.de/GIS/GISData/SRTM/version2/GeoTIFF/Eurasia/N
> >28 E083.tif
> >
> > Note that these images have a 16-bit grayscale channel, therefore
> > simple "visual debugging" on a typical PC screen might be quite tricky
> > due to limited colour depth. In order to get a better clue about the
> > reported errors I'd consider it as being highly desirable looking at a
> > similar error at a place which is located at a much lower elevation.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >     Martin.
> Because of some reason i mostly do use the old FG 0.9.8  scenery
> I have flown over Himalaya mountains looking for hole, wall or flat part ,
> nothing.  :)  only mountains  :)
> here snapshots of the Everest
> http://pagesperso-orange.fr/GRTux/f16-everest_1.jpg
> http://pagesperso-orange.fr/GRTux/f16-everest_2.jpg
> So older data were right.
> Cheers

In addition, the map of that area which was done with atlas


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