On 17 Feb 2009, at 00:49, Curtis Olson wrote:

> At one point I think I recall that we had a variant of the C172 with  
> a working GPS installed in the instrument panel.  I don't see that  
> any more now.  Does anyone recall if we had such a thing and know  
> where it can be found?

I presume you're referring to Dave Luff's KLN89b code. This worked in  
the 0.9 / 1.0 era, and while no-one has actively broken it (indeed,  
myself and Tim Moore at least have done various pieces of work solely  
to keep it alive), I regard it as unmaintained and unused code. Every  
time I've asked here or on the forums about people using it, I get a  
negative response.

In the medium term, my plan is to completely replace the KLN89 code  
with the generic GPS instrument (combined with an extended route- 
manager) but that's a six-month or more project, and stalled until the  
second week of March.

So for the moment, there is no explicit reason (that I'm aware) of why  
the KLN89 doesn't appear in the C172, but I would expect some  
(hopefully minor) issues with getting it to work as originally designed.


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