* Sébastien MARQUE -- 2/21/2009 7:05 PM:
> Yes, I will be obliged to check the value to avoid the instrument fix in 
> some cases. But as I discover this problem I wanted to try a solution 
> for every dialog-apply, to make the listeners work as expected,

To make listeners work as expected the solution is to make *listeners*
work as expected, not to change dialog-apply in a way that makes them
not work as expected.  ;-)

Last time I checked change-only listeners they seemed to work, but either
I missed something or they changed behavior. I'll look at that in the next
days. I wouldn't hack around a possible bug there in a dialog. Certainly
this can wait a few days.

My concern with the proposed patch is that it limits functionality in
a way that might bite us later. If I write something like the following,
then I usually mean it, and don't want fgfs to ignore it:

     <label>raise signal</label>

And yes, I know that there are other ways to achieve the same.  :-)


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