Mathias Froehlich wrote:
> Update of /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/data/AI/Aircraft/Fokker-50/Models
> In directory
> Modified Files:
> Log Message:
> Set the ambient color equal to the rgb color.
> This is what currently is done in flightgears model loading stage anyway.

To be honnest I don't like this action. I've always made sure all color 
settings were right in the modeller and did'nt adjust them to look nice 
in FlightGear in any way. Same goes for the F-16, T-37, T-38, Fokker 
100, Fokker 70 and Fokker Dr.1

To me this is a step too far and reading the conversation I was under 
the impression this wasn't to be done automatically.

I do agree with the code change though.


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