> I have the feeling this will become a developers nightmare, give the
> number of possibilities to access the property tree..
> But if anyone feels brave enough, be my guest.
> Erik

I've thought, from time to time, about a units extension to the property
system. I've also thought at times that it would be nice to be able to
handle vectors. I always came back to the conclusion that this would be a
really bad idea. And it still is. If anyone feels that this is something
worth looking into, it needs to be done separately from the FlightGear
development tree, perhaps as a proof of concept in a smaller project. Then,
let people loose on it and see how they use it (and break it). There is a
beauty in the simplicity of the way things are done, now. It can be clunky
in some cases, but the alternative is mass confusion.

I'd very strongly advise against this idea.


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