It is one thing to bring out a new software tool, in this case a compiler,
that enables the use of new technologies (.NET for example), but to
completely disregard the principles of backwards compatibility, forcing
software to be extensively re-written, is another.



From: Curtis Olson [] 
Sent: 19 July 2009 15:30
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel]
[Simgear-cvslogs]CVS:source/simgear/propsprops.cxx, 1.44, 1.45 props.hxx,
1.32, 1.33


On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 7:10 AM, Arnt Karlsen <> wrote:

On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 09:27:57 +0100, Alan wrote in message

> Thanks for the quick reply, and best wishes with the solution. Why oh
> why are MS compliers so pernickety? strategy:

(...and only then, the next 3 immediately below #OpenGL: ,
I've seen people talk about doing FG things in C# here.)

These are only dirty tricks when the "bad" guys do them. :-)  Even the GPL
has a "lock you in" strategy. Governments have a tendency to consolidate and
accumulate power and lock the people into systems that allow the gov't to
maintain it's control.  If you are a MS employee you probably think MS's
strategies are a good thing.  If  you are an open-source advocate you
probably think the GPL strategy is a good thing.   We as humans put a big
emphasis on judging intent ... so in places like the court room, the final
outcome or penalty often has a huge dependence on perceived intent.  And our
personal views of "good" lock in strategies versus "bad" lock in strategies
also depend on our personal views and personal judgment of intent.  (And
that's purely my opinion ... ) :-)

MS is only doing the same things that every other company is also doing.
It's just that MS has been very successful, and their decisions and policies
affect a lot of people and therefore they have drawn a lot more scrutiny and
attention than most other businesses.

Curtis Olson:

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