On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 17:38 +0300, Behlül UÇAR wrote:
> Thanks both of you for your answers,
> I was thinking about modifying $FG_ROOT/Nasal/IOrules file for beating
> the permission issue but I hadn't thought about file permissions
> especially in linux.

IOrules is there for a reason, and it should not be "beaten" If it is
possible to beat IOrules that is a bug that needs to be squashed.

By default you may write to any file named $FG_HOME/*.sav $FG_HOME/*.log
or $FG_HOME/Export/* There are more, but these seem the most logical
file names for a nasal script. 

> Then there are two solutions for beating this problem;

Again, this is a security feature not a problem.  I'm not even fully
comfortable with allowing nasal to write at all, but I got out-voted. :)

> First is creating an empty and permanent file before running Nasal
> code and modifying it instead of creating it inside the Nasal code.
> And the second is creating ~/home/FlightGear/  folder and working
> under it. 
> Since first solution also requires super-user privileges in Linux, the
> ideal solution seems to be the second one. 
> If someone has a better idea, it would be very good to hear it. 
> Greetings

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