Hi gang. My last few builds of scenery have been killed in the exact same 
manor, and produced hilarious results to view from the air. Anyway, I was 
wondering if anyone knew off the top of their head the full list of things that 
cause fgfs-construct to be killed? I've bumped up the time limit, but it isn't 
reaching that limit. I've cut each build into the smallest allowable chunk, 
0.0625 by 0.125 degrees. I'm not where to set TG_MAX_NODES, but I even tried 
changing the line in Build/Main/main.cxx 
"c.set_max_nodes(TG_MAX_NODES * 0.8);" to "c.set_max_nodes(TG_MAX_NODES * 3);"

Obviously, that's a bit of a hack, but I figured I'd try it to see if it made a 
difference. Nothing. 

I'm trying to work with the absolute bleeding edge of what terragear can handle 
here, with 0.75 arc-sec DEMs, using a 3 meter error threshold, and 50,000:1 
shapefile data. So I'd like to slacken any restrictions that Terragear imposes. 
My experience so far has been that better scenery can take MUCH longer to 
build, but has a minimal effect on Flightgear's framerate, 

Any suggestions of what else I could change to let it do crazy builds? One of 
my CPU cores runs at 100% while building, but my memory usages is still less 
than 10%, so I shouldn't have hit the limits of my hardware yet! 
Thanks folks. 

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