On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 8:11 AM, Curtis Olson <curtol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's a slightly different wrinkle (maybe) on this whole selling copies of
> FlightGear under dubious premises.
> In this case FlightGear is prominently displayed in the ebay ad, but later
> they claim:
> Copyright
> This item is copyrighted. Any reproduction, duplication or resale of any
> kind is strictly prohibited.
> Software included is either released under GNU or contains our protected IP.
> Copyright © 2009 MT Software Solutions. All rights reserved.
> Is this a problem?  Here's the link so you can see it all in context:
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Flight-Gear-Simulator-2009-for-Microsoft-Windows-Vista_W0QQitemZ180388068783QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_PC_Video_Games_Video_Games_JS?hash=item29fff77daf

Hi Curt,

While I'm not a lawyer, serveral things pop out in my mind.

The GNU license has been stripped and released with a "no
reproduction, distribution or resale" clause. The copyright has been
removed and replaced with there own. If they want to keep the
copyright on there own installation program (as an example), then it
should read as follows:

Copyright © 2009 Curtis L. Olson
Installation program Copyright © 2009 MT Software Solutions.

The images and probably the text on that page have been copied from
other sources. I'm sure the creator of the images would recognise
them. The ebay listing also contains watermarks on the images is
wrong. It the image was created by them or cited then fair enough.

Anyway, those are the most obvious things that stands out here.




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