>> I'm planning on developing procedures that automatically assign cliff 
>> textures to any scenery beyond a certain slope. From reading through the 
>> flightgear devel archives, this idea has come up before. Does anybody know 
>> if any work was actually done with it? And if so, anyone know where I can 
>> find it, or who I can talk to about it? I just want to make sure I'm not 
>> doing work that's redundant.

>I suspect that's something already handled by the terrain shaders. ISTR
they give a more rocky look to steeper surfaces.


>I think about it too; but as I understand, simply change texture's
name in btg don't help, since that texture will be stretched like any
other (i.e. looks right only for top view). It is necessary to play
with uv-coordinates or sort of.

>WBR, Vadym.

While looking through the code, I'd noticed the "roughness" variable seemed to 
define exactly what I wanted for "steepness". In the case of the stuff I'm 
doing, the elevation model is very detailed, and the surfaces beyond 45 degrees 
can't realistically support trees. I guess the big question is when do the 
textures get assigned in the first place? I've seen LOTS of places in the code 
where it looks up the texture, but I think those are just looking up the 
texture that's already been assigned. If, for example, I used the place in the 
code that checks for roughness to assign anything beyond a certain slope as a 
cliff, is it too late in the process? Ideally, I'd like this check to happen 
when texture first gets assigned. I could reassign them at a later point, but 
that seem inelegant. 

As for the stretching issue, I'll have to think about that. But I'm thinking 
about cliffs as shallow as 45 degrees, so it shouldn't be such an issue there. 
I'm also HOPING to make it an input parameter into fgfs-construct, so that it 
could be added into the main terragear functionality, for anyone working on 
high enough resolution scenery for it to be of use. In a low detail model, You 
might want 75 degrees or more to be defined as cliff face. But if it was an 
input parameter, then the option would be there. 

Also, is there an issue I should be concerned with in terms of texture 
priority? I know that there's a list of what gets drawn on top of what. But 
there seemed to be a few places where this list came up. At the very least, my 
attempts at adding to this list failed completely. Anyone know off the top of 
their head how to change the texture list, or add my own categories to it? This 
is more so for my own local use, rather than for the Terragear project, as I 
doubt anyone else needs a texture specific to the brown rocks in Newfoundland. 

Thanks all! 


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