John Denker wrote:

> On 12/01/2009 12:47 PM, Stuart Buchanan wrote:
> >> 4 :: wrong runway, not in airport database
> > I suspect that might be an artifact of the apt.dat file being out of
> > kilter with the scenery you've got. Have you tried TerraSync to see
> > what the latest scenery looks like.
> Yes, things look much different now.  I got rid of the
> "old" 1.0.1 scenery, fired up terrasync, restarted fgfs
> a couple of times so that terrasync would load the "new"
> scenery and fgfs would find out about it.
> Thanks for the clue.  I never would have guessed that the
> problem was scenery-related.
> In fact I still don't understand how using the "old" 1.0.1 
> scenery could cause an existing runway to vanish and a 
> spurious runway to appear.  Are runways part of the scenery?  

Yes, runways are generated as part of the scenery

> Is the runway information in apt.dat now obsolete, or soon 
> to become obsolete?  

The apt.dat file is still used by FG for position and airport information,
so it is not obselete. However, I believe that some airport information
is now also stored as part of the scenery (at least through TerraSync),
so there may be some duplication.
Perhaps Martin can comment?

> Is there any chance of making the code
> more robust, so that it correctly parses apt.dat even when
> the "new" scenery is in use?

I think the longer-term plan is to move more of the information
into the scenery database so there is less reliance on apt.dat.

Again, this is something that Martin would be better placed
to answer.

> Does the "new" scenery have a new version number, or is 
> it still considered 1.0.1?  Are there plans for making
> the "new" scenery available as tarballs, for folks who
> aren't running (or can't run) terrasync?

I would expect that the "new" scenery will be released with 
the next FG release, so that apt.dat and scenery will match.

> Maybe this would be a good occasion to implement version
> numbers in the scenery files, and version checking in
> the scenery-processing code ... so that if it can't handle
> the old data, it at least realizes it can't handle it.

I think the version mismatch issue is specific to CVS users. 

Always using TerraSync works around the problem, and means
you get to pick up the latest scenery updates ;)

This obviously isn't a complete solution, but it mitigates the issue.



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