Alex Romosan wrote:
> James Turner <> writes:
>> Log Message:
>> Fix displaced threshold handling when using in-scenery definitions of 
>> runways.
> i submitted a patch for this a while ago. if you actually add
> _displ_thresh then the aircraft gets positioned at the beginning of the
> runway proper not the threshold. so i think the offset should be:
>  double offsetFt = (0.5 * _length) + _displ_thresh;

The displaced threshold is relevant for landing, in the sense of "don't
touch ground before this line", maybe due to noise abatement measures,
safety or some other reasons.
The take-off run, in contrast, defaults to start at the runway end, no
matter if there is a displaced threshold or not. Note, this is
different from stopways/blastways, which are typically not supposed to
be used neither for startup nor for landing.

Things _might_ be a little bit different in real life. When airliners
are queueing up at the runway end of a large field and you're in a
C172, the contoller might save you from taxiing the entire way and,
instead, request you to enter the runway somewhere beforehand. But as a
default, the displaced threshold does not matter for takeoff.

BTW, as I understand, user postings don't belong to the "-cvslogs"
     mailing list.
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