Hello @all,

> > Erik Hofman wrote:
> > > Or maybe it's good enough to replace the
> texutures with plain white
> > > images for now?
> > 
> > I've done this until an agreement is reached.
> I hate to be the messenger here, but I think it's really
> obvious that these 
> textures have to be removed from CVS completely including
> any history. Because 
> otherwise one could just checkout an older version of the
> textures to get them 
> thus we would be distributing them, which is explicitly not
> allowed by the CG 
> textures license.
> Stefan

In the moment eactly this seems to be right,(But I'm sure it is not quite 
right) and exactly what I want.

>The problem was for the next release which is fixed for now.
>Maybe this can be done by removing the rights to read from that 
>directory at the CVS server side (or something)? It would be a pitty to 
>remove everything and add it back later.

I'm already in contact with the author of CGtextures.com and that's what he 

Quote by Marcel Vijfwinkel:
"Hello Heiko,

Because a license does not explicitly say it cannot be used for Open Source 
does not mean it's fine to release the materials under an Open Source. The 
licenses have to be compatible in order to be allowed to do that.

In CGTextures the license it says:

It is not permitted to:
- Sell or distribute any of these textures in an unmodified form, or where the 
derived product you are selling or distributing is a Texture or a collection of 

Most Open Source licenses allow unlimited redistribution of the materials, so 
the Open Source licenses are not compatible with this clause in the CGTextures 

I can understand it would be nice for your if the textures could be released 
under Open Source, but unfortunately it's impossible to run a business if the 
textures would be Open Source licensed. If I would allow the textures to be 
released under Open Source, anybody could upload them to Bittorrent legally. 
And if people could download them without being restricted by a quota they 
wouldn't buy memberships. Without the membership sales, I can not work on the 
website fulltime and I cannot afford the webhosting or camera equipment to make 
these textures. Allowing the release under Open Source is really not any 
benifit for my business  (and don't get this wrong, even though I give away 
textures for free CGTextures is a business).

One option you have is to release your art materials not under Open Source, but 
under a license which does not allow redistribution of the textures. Or simply 
use textures from another source which can be used under Open Source ofcourse.

Kind regards,

Marcel Vijfwinkel"

I'm still not convinced with his answer but until there is more clear licence 
or even answer by our laywers (Do we have?)I want to remove the whole history. 
I want to be on the safe side!


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