On 02/11/2010 04:11 PM, Csaba Halász wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:59 PM, John Denker <j...@av8n.com> wrote:
>> On my machine I observe that the various scripts in
>> the Nasal/ directory get loaded in some hard-to-predict
>> order.
>> That means that if you write a script called foo.nas,
>> it's hard to know whether it will get processed before
>> or after math.nas and/or props.nas.
>> So the question is, what to do if foo.nas wants to make
>> use of the features provided by the other scripts?
>> I know about the trick of using settimer(stuff, 0).
> The usual trick is to attach a listener to /sim/signals/nasal-dir-initialized.

That is similar to the settimer trick.  Either one will
bisect the problem.  That is, if you have simple pairwise
interactions, you can split each pair and thereby control
the ordering.  But what if the interactions are more 
complicated, e.g. a depends on b which depends on c which 
depends on d........?

How hard would it be to handle the general case?  There
are standard techniques .......

> Also, you can load nasal modules dynamically, such as:
> if (!contains(globals, "MPCarriersNW")) {
>   io.load_nasal(getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~
>                 "/Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/mp-network.nas",
>                 "MPCarriersNW");

That's a powerful procedure, but it only works _after_ 
io.nas has been loaded ... so AFAICT it doesn't really 
answer the question I was asking.

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