I've /probably/ done the most extensive amount of research into this at the 
moment, some key points:

1) If we want or need legal representation, please visit 

I have already contacted them, so please don't send them a bunch of emails 
about FlightProSim.

2) FlightProSim has at least one violation of the GPL2 because they distribute 
the source code on their website; they need to either distribute the source 
code with their product or provide a written offer for up to three years under 
subsection 3b of the GPL. 

3) FPS may be in further violation of the GPL under section 2a, which states 
the modified files must contain notices they were modified from the original 
FlightGear source code. I have not done this investigation.

4) I have strongly recommended in the past that FGRun or FGFS contain some sort 
of copyright statement. However, my suggestion was dismissed. JUST BECAUSE YOU 

So let me make this suggestion again.

On the splash screen, or somewhere on the launcher, or under the "about" menu, 
include the following text:

"FlightGear is copyright by its respective contributors. Please refer to the 
source code for the copyright to specific components of the software.

You may redistribute FlightGear under the terms of the GPL version 2. 
FlightGear comes with absolutely no warranties."

Perhaps the reason this suggestion was dismissed so readily is that I suggested 
that FlightGear become one copyright holder by aggregating the copyrights of 
the contributors. However, the reason I believe adding this text to be 
important is:

1) Any future distributors cannot obfuscate this copyright or else they are in 
violation of the GPLv2 section 1;

2) If they do obfuscate the copyright, they must also edit the file to say they 
obfuscated the copyright under the GPLv2 section 2a to be compliant, which is 
sort-of beside the point;

3) It makes it easy to check to see if there's been a GPL violation even if 
everything else appears okay, because the copyright appears on something other 
than the source code.

Even just adding text such as "www.flightgear.org" to the splash screen would 
require someone who modifies and redistributes the program to comply with 1) 
and 2) in the second-list set out above if they wished to disguise the program 
as being FlightGear. Now, there ARE some people who legitimately use FlightGear 
who need to may wish to disguise the fact the program is FlightGear - I'm 
thinking airplane simulators - but they can easily comply with the GPL by 
remarking how they modified the file from the original FlightGear version.

Finally, we should be seeking to make violators comply with the GPL, not shut 
them down, even if they're distributing our program for profit. If it's 
GPL-compliant, this still helps us, even if someone is making money off our 

Now, some opinion:

In my opinion Aircraft and scenery models in the base package need to remain 
GPL, as this allows for easier license management. If you don't want other 
people profiting off your work, release your add-on as a third party add-on 
under a different license. I'm sure there are people who legitimately make 
money as a direct result of FlightGear, and because of the GPL, you may even be 
able to "dishonestly" make some money off of the product, but if you're 
compliant we can't constrict your right to do so,


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