Hello all -

My previous email may have been lost in the fray so I'd just like to float my 
recommendation again.

If you have contributed code, please check to make sure your copyright, and the 
date, is in the header for the source code you have contributed.

This will make it easier for us to track if there has been a copyright and GPL 
violation. If someone modifies a copyrighted file AND distributes that file IN 
VIOLATION OF the GPL version 2, then the person or people who hold the 
copyright on that file can force compliance.

However, I also believe we should put a copyright statement within the 
executables of FlightGear which we distribute - we should have a statement 
saying FlightGear is copyrighted by its contributors - please see the source 
code for information. (Perhaps several statements, in the console and under the 
menu for instance.)

Just because we release the software and the components of the software under 
the GPL does not necessarily mean the contributors forfeit their copyright on 
the work.

By including copyright information within the essence of our product 
components, we thereby make it more difficult for resellers to rebrand and 
resell our product (because they can't just remove the copyright without being 
in violation of the GPL - and if they do they have to state how they modified 
the file from the original copy in the source code, AND distribute that source 

At the same time, we maintain the fact the copyright is held by the individual 
contributors, which was important to people the last time around. This also 
does not constrict the freedom of the software under the GPL and therefore I 
would strongly recommend adding this into the software.

If people are opposed to this for whatever reason, a "softer" suggestion would 
be including an About menu with version information in each version, say 
"FlightGear version 2.0.0 release date X/X/2010".

Since this doesn't include a copyright, though, anyone can remove it as long as 
they state they removed it within the source code of the product; and since the 
people likely to be negatively affected by someone reselling our product as-is 
aren't going to be looking at the source code, I strongly recommend the 
copyright components,


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