On Apr 8, 2010, at 4:58 PM, David Megginson wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 2:00 PM, Peter Brown <smoothwater...@adelphia.net> 
> wrote:
>> I see.  So that brings us back to magnetic vs true, as I was originally 
>> referring to.  But, that's somewhat irrevelant as it _appears_ the mpmap is 
>> sourcing the data from the actual runway placement.  My opinion is there 
>> should be an data file with the correct info to be displayed, and it seems 
>> logical for it to be the navaid file, but we'd need to add a line if they 
>> want to keep the true heading.
> Again, I haven't used mpmap, but are you certain it is trying to
> display an ILS localizer, and not just an extended runway centreline?
> You're right, of course, that it might have messed up true vs.
> magnetic (especially if the developer was working somewhere with very
> little  magvar, and wouldn't have noticed during testing).  Our files
> list actual runway headings in degrees true as well, so the only thing
> I can think is that the developer just took the runway *number* and
> converted it to a heading.
> All the best,
> David

No, I'm not sure of any of it.  I was thinking I had posed it as a question 
whose answer was readily available - I wasn't trying to debate it if that's how 
it came across.  I like functionality that the majority of users find useful, 
since I classify myself as one of those. :)  My guess is that as Martin said, 
he/she probably is grabbing data from the navaids file.

To show you what mpmap provides, here's a few links.  Note the two heading info 
boxes when you have the ILS beam on - as if to display "Runway heading" and 
"Approach heading", since the first info box also lists the runway number, ILS 
CAT #, and GS degrees.




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