Hello all,

Since mpserver05 seems to be down, my server (07) has been receiving much more 
use. This has become a problem here on my home access. There are three of us in 
my home trying to use the internet in the evenings, for the most part. However 
when there are 10 or more people logged in to mpserver07, I am essentially 
relegated to dial-up speeds. I only have 10Mbps down, and 2Mbps up; and that's 
the fastest that my ISP will allow on a home network. It already costs my over 
$20 more per month for this, simply to have a static IP address assigned for 
the FG server. 

So at this point I don't have much choice other that to take mpserver07 down in 
the evenings when we need to have internet access. I can leave it run during 
the day when we aren't using the internet (8-5, US Central Time), but in the 
evenings and on weekends when we need to use the internet, it has simply become 
too much of a problem.

Sorry for the bad news.

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