Martin Spott wrote:
> Alex Perry wrote:

>> I don't think we have country/state polygons in our current data
>> image.
> We're having all sorts of polygonal data available in the
> "Landcover-DB", including country/state borders. Thus from a technical
> point of view there's no reason not to create a list of 1x1 degree
> Scenery packages belonging to a certain two-letter country code.
> The task just requires someone to cast the logic into a script for
> downloading just the required pieces of Scenery from our repository.
> I _might_ put such a solution onto my TODO list, but please don't
> expect an ETA of less than half a year from now ....  there are simply
> too many really relevant tasks to work on, and time's limited.

As a translation for those who didn't understand my comment the first
I'll happily supply people willing to work on it with the required
ressources (at least mostly), but I don't have neither the time nor the
motivation to do everything myself. If you're in need of GIS data- or
server-ressources, please ask.

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