Hi all,

I have just pushed a rather huge patch after some weeks of coding. It's a 
major overhaul of the environment controller managing and applying real 
weather, interpolation of weather layers etc.

It's main intention is to decouple all the individual modules and make them 
more configurable through xml based rules. As an example, interpolation over 
time is not hard coded in c++ any more, but implemented as a property-rule 
(digital filters from the autopilot system). These rules live in 
FGDATA/Environment. Another feature is that any environment value can be 
changed at any time without the need for reinitializing the environment 
subsystem.This should make it easier to implement other (better?) environment 
systems, like the local-weather-system prototype in Nasal.

Also under development (but not yet commited) is the implementation of another 
real-world weather, provided by www.navlost.eu (NWX) giving us not only METAR 
but also world-wide ALOFT wind data and temperature.

As a side effect, the dialogs for weather-scenario, weather-conditions,
clouds and precipitations have been merged into a single dialog.

Not everything is working perfectly by now and will be fixed over the next 
days. If something is terribly wrong, please drop me a line.

Cheers, Torsten

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