Did you notice there is a while loop begining line 223 ?


----- Message d'origine -----
De: Alasdair <ali...@btinternet.com>
Env: mardi 14 septembre 2010 03:57
À: FlightGear developers discussions <flightgear-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Objet: [Flightgear-devel] A puzzling problem with FG XML parsing

I have recently been delving into FG's innards, with a view to fixing
some problems with the speech handling capabilities. This has led
indirecly to my having to understand how XML files are parsed.

Now in SG's XML folder is a program called easyxml.cxx which reads the
XML files before passing contents to expat's xmlparse.c. The problem I
have discovered is that an entire XML file is read in _one_ chunk into a
16k buffer declared at line 222. A dozen or so lines later a read
operation is performed which reads the _entire_ XML file into that
buffer. Now since preferences.xml is more than 3 times the size of this
only one third of it gets parsed, with means that the final partial line
that makes it into the buffer is in an indeterminate state. That happens
arount line 410 of preferences.xml. Furthermore garbage is passed to the
parser when when the end of the buffer is reached on readback.

I am so astonished with this discovery that I can barely believe the
evidence of my eyes and my tests.

Can someone confirm that I have not gone loopy? Because if I am right
this could explain a lot of strange goings on. Where am I going wrong?

Kind regards,

Alasdair Campbell

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