On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 05:03:02 -0800 (PST), Gene wrote in message 

> On Wed, 24 Nov 2010, Curtis Olson wrote:
> > *VERY* cool stuff, and not "OT" at all!!!  Are you going to sell
> > kits?

..mylar space blanket type metall foil?  Round the edges 
around the "bath tub" and paint the box to throttle the 
diffuse air leaks so you can fly non-jet aircraft with
due realism. ;o)
> Not a chance.  We're not even sure if we can give plans away. 

..those plans are your works of art.  

..drawing plans or writing an How-to-make-your-own does not 
violate any patents, if it merely teaches the interested 
hobbyist or student of technology, how to exercise a patent 
to make his own screen for his own education and entertainment.

..if the "interested hobbyist" sells _many_ of these and either 
makes a profit or causes a commercial loss to the patent holder 
or anyone of his licensees, there may be a patent infringement.

..patents are meant to promote science and the arts by granting 
the innovator a timed monopoly on the commercial exercise of 
the patent and to anyone he licenses by giving or selling etc 
a patent license to.

> We referenced a few active patents in the mirror itself. 

..patent numbers, please?  

> The next iteration we're going to try to eliminate that.  If we
> can't, we'll try contacting the grantees to see if they'll grant a
> limited, hobbyist use license.

..ok, seeing the videos (they are getting viral ;o)), 
I got a coupla ideas of my own, so I want to see the 
patents first, and then talk. ;o)

..beware that posting an idea here on this list, probably 
renders that idea un-patentable, because posts this list 
are open to the general public and therefore "published."

..such posting can also be used to "shoot down" a patent 
application by simply "timestamping it" "as published."

> If we don't find a solution, all we can do is point folks at the
> source data with the caveat that they've got to figure out the
> details themselves.

..those details are in the patent text and images.

> I'll know more on this for sure on Saturday when
> Wayne & I can spend some time on it.  Wayne has developed some
> insanely cool tools using Excel that spits out geometry data based on
> a few inputs - I'm hoping we can release those at some point.  That
> would be up to Wayne though.

..these are Wayne's own works under his own copyright. ;o)
Neat negotiation card on the patent holder, we can make 
and share a profit, _together_. ;o)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;o)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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