Can you compare the OSG statistics between the two binaries? Choose "cycle
onscreen statistics" three times.


On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 5:03 PM, <> wrote:

> I've had just occasion to compare performance of a GIT binary compiled on
> Nov 24th with a GIT binary compiled Nov 13th in one of my standard
> benchmark tests (which I described a while ago), and the test confirmed an
> impression I had yesterday in just test-flying - I've lost almost 1/3 of
> available framerate.
> The flags are
> --enable-fullscreen --geometry=1920x1200 --disable-real-weather-fetch
> --enable-auto-coordination --timeofday=noon --airport=KINS --aircraft=ufo
> followed by spawning a cold sector tile and observing framerate upon
> loading and when fully loaded. Multitherading support is 'Automatic'.
> With empty sky (in otherwise default condition) I get 180 fps with the Nov
> 13th binary and 130 fps with the new one. With the cumulus clouds fully
> spawned, I get 80 fps with the Nov 13th binary and 55 fps with the recent
> one.
> Less formal, my impression from yesterday was that I get 20 fps where I
> used to have 30 which ties in well with the above numbers.
> The only difference is the binary - fgdata/ and the set of comandline
> options are completely identical.
> Am I the only one?
> Cheers,
> * Thorsten
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