Hi Durk and all,

> Durk wrote:
> After a period of having been extremely busy at work, following a switch of 
> jobs and moving to a different country, 
> I'm slowly coming back to life. December is already well on it's way, and it 
> would be great if we could manage 
> another major release this year.

Great news Durk! One thing that came up in my mind: would it be good to write a 
post at the forum, to stimulate
people to put their planes into Git as soon as possible? We have quite some 
nice (GPL) stuff hanging around, that's 
not been commited yet and it would be a shame if they won't end up on the 
official download page...

> Firstly, what is the next version number going to be. My initial thought 
> would be 2.1.0, but it also makes sense to 
> call if 2.2.0 (thanks for the suggestion, James), so that we can reserve 
> 2.1.0. for bugfixes on the current version

But if there comes a bugfix release, it is more recent than the initial 
release. 2.1.0 would suggest the bugfix was
relased before 2.2.0 IMO... Since this new release is a "major release", the 
initial release could be named 2.1.0 and 
the bugfix could be called 2.1.1. 

I am not a versioning expert however; there are probably people with much 
better ideas/knowledge on this list :)

> Seconly, do we want to maintain our current aircraft selection, or do we want 
> to include a (partially) updated selection 
> from our git repository

What exactly is the current aircraft selection? We did welcome some extremely 
nice aircraft this year (the ASK-13 glider
for example and the new Cub), which might replace some of the current selected 
aircraft in level of completeness/quality...

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