On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 3:01 AM, ThorstenB <bre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It didn't work with MP initially - but that was fixed months ago. I'd been
> using this with MP a quite a lot afterwards. And I guess you're using a
> recent build, so it should work, though I haven't tested it in recent weeks.
> There is a missing feature with the "$FG_ROOT/AI/Aircraft": the AI/Aircraft
> models have to be in FGDATA - these don't work with --fg-aircraft yet, only
> the main models do. Also, only a single "--fg-aircraft" command-line
> argument is supported.
> If it's still not working for you, then which OS are you running (you have a
> proper filesystem supporting directory links, so probably not Windows ;) ),
> what's the exact command-line and also how does the directory structure in
> your --fg-aircraft directory look, i.e. are you using an "Aircraft"
> subdirectory?

Hmm, does not work here for me. Aircraft from outside FG_ROOT are not
getting picked up with MP. I am using Ubuntu Linux, recent git build,
and have --fg-aircraft set to $HOME/FlightGear which contains an
Aircraft directory where the aircraft are located. Command line is
just standard --multiplay options along with --aircraft and --airport


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