On Sat, 5 Feb 2011, Jon S. Berndt wrote:

> How can I update my FlightGear development codebase (which was  created a
> few months ago) from git so I can try to see this problem?

Hi Jon,

Do you have local any changes on your branch?

If not a simple:

git pull

should do the right thing.

git pull will also work if you have committed local changes but will make 
your local history messy (and the official history too if your changes 
are ever merged back into the official history).
If you don't care about the messyness of your local history read no 
further than point 1 below and use git pull without hesitation :)

If you do have changes you want to keep I'd recommend using git rebase to 
keep them "on top" of the official work:

1. First commit your changes to your local branch.

git status                - show you what files you have modified.
git add file1 file2 etc   - adds the files you want to commit
git commit                - creates a commit with the changes you have added.

2. Fetch the latest stuff from the main repository.

git fetch

3. Rebase your local branch on top of the latest official state.
For the FlightGear and SimGear sources this would be

git rebase origin/next

For fgdata it is

git rebase origin/master

4. If you get conflicts you can drop your local conflicting commit by

git rebase --skip

or resolve the conflicts, git add the changed files and continue the 
rebase with

git rebase --continue

(Use of git status is needed here to see which files are in conflict).

As an additional safe-guard you may create a name for your previous work 
before you rebase so that you can easily recover it if the rebase goes 
bad. Assuming your branch is called my-branch the following command 
creates a back-up point:

git branch my-branch.20110205  my-branch

Win32 git works well from Windows powershell, btw.


Anders Gidenstam
WWW: http://www.gidenstam.org/FlightGear/

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