On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 10:03 PM, Lauri Peltonen
<lauri.pelto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> Inspired by the talk in the dds thread about cloud performance and other
> things, I did some quick grepping through the source about textures. I
> found out FG/SG has at least 5 different way of storing textures:
It is important to keep in mind the difference between the texture in
main memory as loaded from disk -- what OSG calls an Image -- and the
texture object on the GPU -- called a Texture2D -- which includes
other state in addition to the bits of the image. OSG does keep a
cache of Images, so it shouldn't be going out to disk each time it
needs to load a texture. However, OSG also avoids using up memory
without bound, so if an Image becomes completely unreferenced it will
drop out of the cache.
> 1. FGTextureManager in FG's Cockpit/panel.*, which at least tries to
> keep track of texture files which are loaded and should not load them
> again. This is used in some instruments and 2d panel?
No comment.
> 2. Effects (SG: scene/material/TextureBuilder.*) have their own texture
> cache which reloads textures only if their parameters in effect file
> changes. Seems to reload the texture if e.g. clamping changes?
Yes, the Effects system caches Texture2D  texture objects. If a
parameter such as the clamping is different from a texture that is
otherwise identical in the cache, it has to create a new texture
object. That's just the way it is. Note that this should not force the
image to be loaded from disk again.
> 3. Material library (scene/material/mat.*) which handles the
> materials.xml. This one seems to use TextureBuilder so it might load the
> iamges only once, if all parameters are the same.
Right, these textures should be only be loaded once.
> 4. Individual pointer in subsystems. At least sky elements, splash
> screen, maybe trees and clouds etc use these. Texture pointers are
> stored inside the class and they are not exposed for other systems to
> use.
> 5, maybe worst: osg plugins which load 3d models seem to load textures
> directly and store them... somewhere. So no caching, if two models use
> the same texture it gets always loaded, no matter what.
This should not be true in general; the images should be cached and
the texture objects should be too, unless some parameter is animated
so the texture can not be shared. Now, I notice that cacheing is
turned off for a class of models that includes AI models and may
include models created through Nasal
(simgear/scene/model/SGPagedLOD.hxx, line 53); I don't know what the
rationale is for that and that may be the cause of the current
> I think the problem with local weather could be that the models are
> always re-loaded and that's why the osg plugin re-loads the textures
> too... I checked some models in Models/Weather and they do point to the
> textures.
You can put a breakpoint in ModelRegistry::readImage(), which should
handle *all* images read by fgfs, and see if it seems to be invoked
too often.
> I think this is quite a big mess currently. I think there should be only
> one place to store the images (maybe just the images, even if other
> texturing parameters change?) which should be used everywhere and the
> textures should be exposed so that the same image can be used in effects
> or animations or wherever necessary.
That place is supposed to be OSG's Image cache.

> Any thoughts on this and how to solve it?
> - Lauri Peltonen, Zan
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